Ready, Set, DRAW! (200)
Ready, Set, Draw! (200) – This three (3) hour class teaches the proper drawing technique from a holster, re-holstering, shooting drills, shoot/no shoot situations, verbal commands, and more. We also examine a variety of holsters; carry positions, firearms selection, and clothing considerations for future concealment classes.
For the law-abiding citizen, it can be a challenge to learn the proper draw then have an opportunity to practice it at a range. This class gives you the opportunity to practice the draw and fire your gun under the supervision of trained professionals in both shoot and no-shoot situations.
Required equipment: A firearm you are familiar with, 2 magazines, approximately 150 rounds of ammunition, eye, and ear protection, a sturdy belt, and an OWB Kydex holster are required.
Required prerequisites, NRA Basic Pistol class or equivalent shooting class.