The Preserve AcademyThe Preserve Academy Firearms Safety Training

The Preserve Academy, located at The Preserve Sporting Club &  Resort in Richmond, Rhode Island, offers a comprehensive curriculum that includes Firearms Safety, Tactical Training, Martial Arts and Survival, and so much more. Our faculty was hand-picked from America’s most accomplished professionals in a host of relevant disciplines. Collectively boasting in excess of 25 years of experience, the faculty includes military veterans, law enforcement and S.W.A.T. operators, active and retired ICU physicians and nurses, and multi-degree black belt holders. They pride themselves in working with enrollees at all skill levels, from novice to expert. Law enforcement training and certifications available. Contact us today.

Saturday March 15
9:30 am - 5:30 pm NRA Pistol Instructor (300) 2 Day Course Last Few Tickets Beginner
Tuesday March 18
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm Utah (30 State) CCW Permit Class Certifications
Wednesday March 19
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Carbine Rifle (202) Last Few Tickets Intermediate
Thursday March 20
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Special Forces Sergeant Kyle Josephson
Special Forces Sergeant Kyle Josephson
Transitioning From Primary To Secondary Firearm
Transitioning From Primary To Secondary Firearm
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We Are Open 7 Days A Week

With over 25 years of law enforcement experience; you will learn from experienced instructors who will help you enhance your skill set, increase your knowledge and raise your self-confidence!

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Ladies Only

Covers firearm safety and shooting fundamentals in the classroom and then it’s off to the range. We cover grip, stance, and more…

CCW Permits

Overview of the Rhode Island pistol permit application, carrying a concealed firearm in Rhode Island, firearms safety, and more.


Firearms Safety

Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling, pistol parts and operation, ammunition, shooting fundamentals; range rules…

NRA Instructors

NRA instructor certifications in Pistol, Rifle, Shotgun, Home Firearm Safety, Chief Range Safety Officer, Personal Protection…

Classes provided for all skill levels.

Register early as class space is limited.


NRA Certified Instructors


Youth Handgun Safety Classes


NRA Instructor Classes


Full day Classes include sandwiches and refreshments.

Our Courses

We pride ourselves in teaching firearm safety and shooting skills to both beginners and professionals. Come learn in a comfortable environment with experienced instructors who are patient, dedicated and knowledgeable in all aspects of firearms instruction.

March 2025
15 - 16

NRA Pistol Instructor (300) 2 Day Course Last Few Tickets
  • SEO Excerpt: Here is your chance to be an NRA Instructor! With completion of this class, you may conduct a NRA Basic Pistol Class meeting the requirements of Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Florida concealed carry permits. You can also qualify others for Rhode Island pistol permit qualifications.  Finally, you can teach firearm safety and shooting skills to earn extra money or build your resume to get that permit to carry!

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
9:30 am - 5:30 pm

Utah (30 State) CCW Permit Class
  • SEO Excerpt: This course is conducted in the classroom and covers firearm safety, shooting fundamentals, stance, firearm malfunctions, loading and unloading revolvers and semi-automatics handguns, Utah law, and more! This class is an easy start to get your concealed carry permit in 30 states. While this permit does not guarantee you a permit in RI, MA, or CT, it does lay the foundation to show you passed a background check, have been issued a concealed carry permit, and attended a firearm safety class.

Clubhouse Classroom | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Carbine Rifle (202) Last Few Tickets
  • SEO Excerpt: Our Carbine Rifle 202 class builds on our previous Carbine classes and introduces the concept of moving and shooting to and from positions of cover. Students must have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and concepts in our previous Carbine Rifle classes, and firearm safety is paramount at all times.

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Beginner Pistol Skill Builder with Glenn Cipalone
  • SEO Excerpt: Are you a new shooter but want to review the skills you learned and reinforce proper shooting fundamentals? Has it been a while since you’ve fired a gun and need to shake the rust off? If either question applies, our Beginner Pistol Skill Builder class is perfect for you! This class is a review of what you already know, (or may have forgotten) and focuses on getting you quality rounds in the range for the duration of the class. Students will review stance, grip, aiming, trigger squeeze, follow through, and more. We then move onto a variety of shooting drills that will reinforce the skills you learned and allow you to start to diagnose any shooting deficiencies that may be present. This course is designed to improve your shooting ability and help you understand the steps necessary to become a more proficient shooter.

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

RI Pistol Permit & MA License To Carry
  • SEO Excerpt: This four (4) hour class will help you accomplish a number of objectives. We will conduct the NRA Home Firearm Safety Course which is accepted by the State of Massachusetts for a License to Carry. You will also be able to shoot the Rhode Island Army L course which is required by the State of Rhode Island Attorney General’s Office for a Rhode Island Pistol Permit.

Clubhouse Classroom | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

NRA Range Safety Officer Class
  • SEO Excerpt: Here is your chance to be certified as a NRA Range Safety Officer and ensure safety on the range. This class is perfect for anyone who wants to volunteer at their local gun club, work at a range or is working towards their Chief Range Safety Officer certification! This class teaches students the NRA’s approach to safety, range operation, standard operating procedures, loading firearms, unloading firearms, clearing malfunctions, emergency briefings, organizing and conducting a shooting event, and more!

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
9:30 am - 5:30 pm

RI CCW Use of Force Course
  • SEO Excerpt: The use of force, and the use of deadly force are two very different topics and both situations require a very different response. Our Rhode Island CCW Use of Force Course examines a variety of scenarios where you may be justified in using force but may not be justified in using deadly force. We review Rhode Island Case Law, Rhode Island General Laws and the six (6) conditions of deadly force. We also discuss the importance of avoiding potentially dangerous situations and examine a number of scenarios where using no force at all may be the best choice. Additionally, we cover firearm safety, storage, transport laws, and explore the process of applying for your RI pistol permit.

Clubhouse Classroom | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 9:00 pm

Couples Intermediate Pistol (200)
  • SEO Excerpt: Are you ready to continue with a night out that's "out of the ordinary"? We are happy to offer the next step for our couple's pistol class, Couple's Intermediate Pistol (200) class! Don't worry, we keep this class fun and it's perfect for the newer shooter who has completed a basic shooting class or has some previous shooting experience. It's also perfect for the couple (friends, family, etc.) who want to go shooting together but may have a different level of experience with firearms.

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

Ladies Intermediate Pistol (200)
  • SEO Excerpt: Sorry guys, this one is still for ladies only! This four (4) hour class reviews firearm safety and continues to build on your previous shooting skills. We review phase one (1) malfunctions, We also learn about phase two (2) malfunctions, trigger reset, failure drills, shooting with one hand, and more!

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
9:30 am - 1:30 pm

Ladies Pistol Clinic
  • SEO Excerpt: Ladies, are you a new shooter but want to review the shooting skills you learned in one of our Beginner Classes… in a ladies’ only environment? This class is a review of what you learned and focuses on getting you shooting in the range to reinforce those skills. This clinic is designed to improve your shooting ability, build confidence, and help you understand the steps necessary to become a more proficient shooter.

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
April 2025

Ready, Set, DRAW! (200)
  • SEO Excerpt: Ready, Set, Draw! (200) - This four (4) hour class teaches the proper drawing technique from a holster, re-holstering, shooting drills, shoot/no shoot situations, verbal commands, and more. We also examine a variety of holsters; carry positions, firearms selection, and clothing considerations for future concealment classes. For the law-abiding citizen, it can be a challenge to learn the proper draw then have an opportunity to practice it at a range. This class gives you the opportunity to practice the draw and fire your gun under the supervision of trained professionals in both shoot and no-shoot situations.

Sporting Shoppe Range | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
5:00 pm - 8:00 pm

NRA Basic Pistol Class
  • SEO Excerpt: This course combines classroom and range time learning to shoot revolvers and semi-automatic pistols. Students learn NRA’s rules for safe gun handling, pistol parts and operation, ammunition, shooting fundamentals, range rules, shooting positions, cleaning the pistol, and continued opportunities for skill development. This is the perfect class if you have never fired a gun or are a beginning shooter. This course will give you a solid foundation in firearm safety and basic shooting skills which you can build upon in more advanced classes. This class is also a prerequisite to becoming an NRA Pistol Instructor. This course also qualifies you for your Connecticut and Florida resident or NON-resident pistol permit licenses.

Clubhouse Classroom | 1 Preserve Boulevard, Richmond, RI, USA
9:30 am - 5:30 pm
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Defend Your Family With Confidence!

NRA Approved

Take charge of your family’s safety and get the basic knowledge and skills to safely handle or store firearms and ammunition in the home. Learn more about the The Preserve Academy NRA certified firearm safety training classes.

Take your skills to the next level

Learn how to protect yourself and your family both in and out of your home with Firearms Safety training and personal protection training courses.


Home Firearm Safety Classes


Pistol Classes


Rifle Training Classes


Shotgun Training Classes


The Preserve Academy

“This place is absolutely gorgeous.! it has everything, you have to see it to believe it. staff are super friendly and knowledgeable. their prices are hard to believe, super affordable.”

Johnny Moe

“Today was day one of shooting at The Range and I can tell you this, there is no better facility. It has to be the quietest range I’ve been too, the staff is helpful and friendly, there’s is no stress or rushing involved. Great prices on guns and ammo too. First class all the way.”

Mark Sven Oltedale

“My 79 year old mother and I took the Ladies Only Class 100. It was perfect. It started out with class time on gun safety etc., move to a high-tech simulator, then onto the gun range. The pace was perfect. Robert, our instructor was thorough and knowledgeable, and the facility was impressive! I highly recommend this class for anyone looking to learn how to shoot!!!”

Cindy Voccola Joyce

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the age restrictions?
  • Minimum shooting age in the range is 12 years old. Children under the age of 10 will not be allowed on the range.
  • Shooters 12-17 years of age must be accompanied by a Parent or Legal Guardian.
  • 18 – 20 years of age may shoot long guns ONLY in the range. No one under the age of 21 years old is authorized to shoot a handgun.
What are the age limits for rentals?
  • You must be at least 21 years old to rent handguns and full automatics.
  • You must be at least 18 years old to rent rifles or shotguns.
I have a concealed carry permit. May I carry a concealed firearm in The Range?
  • Yes. ALL concealed firearms must remain holstered while entering the range.
  • Upon entry, you must notify the Range Safety Officer that you will be shooting your concealed firearm.
  • We require that ALL other firearms and extra magazines are unloaded and cased until the shooter is inside the shooting booth.
  • No one may handle an uncased or unholstered firearm behind the firing line.
What safety precautions are taken at The Range at The Preserve?
  • At least one Range Safety Officer is in the range, at all times.
  • Everyone is required to take a range safety quiz before entering the range for the first time.
  • All shooters are expected to follow the Range Safety Rules, which are posted in the range. Members can also request a copy of the rules from the gun counter or Range Safety Officer (RSO).
  • Safety is extremely important. If the RSO sees any unsafe behavior, they will warn and educate the shooter. RSO’s have the authority to eject any shooter who continues to practice unsafe behaviors after initial verbal warning.
I have never shot a handgun before, can you help me?
I have a felony on my record. May I shoot at your club?
  • No, The Range at The Preserve complies with State and Federal Laws. Every shooter must attest to the following: I am legally allowed to possess a firearm in the United States. I am not currently the subject of a criminal or civil restraining order. I have never been convicted of a felony as an adult or juvenile. I am not a fugitive from justice. I am not an unlawful user of, or addicted to any controlled substance. I have never been adjudicated in a court of law, as incompetent to manage my own affairs. I have never been discharged from the United States armed forces under dishonorable conditions. I am a citizen of or legally in the United States.
I have a medical marijuana card. May I shoot at your Gun Range
  • Your safety and the safety of everyone is the primary factor in this issue. Marijuana is no different than any other substance which may impair your ability to be safe. If you appear to be impaired or under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including ANY prescription medication, you will not be allowed to enter the range.
Do you rent eye and hearing protection?
  • We have complimentary eye and hearing protection. We recommend that you provide your own eye and hearing protection.
Do you allow shooters to collect their brass?
  • Yes, you are welcome to collect your brass. Please let the RSO know at the beginning of your session that you would like to collect your brass, so that the RSO will not sweep it away.
Can I draw from a holster in the range?
  • No. Shooters are not authorized to draw and shoot from the holster unless supervised by a tactical instructor during a private lesson or class in which you are instructed to do so.
  • You will be ejected from the range at the RSO’s discretion if you draw from the holster without supervision.
Is there a dress code to attend classes?


Member and Guest Dress Code.

When entering the Members Lodge Clubhouse, inclusive of the Double Barrell Kitchen Restaurant inside and outside dining, and the Preserve Academy classroom, we kindly ask that you abide by our Resort Casual Dress Code, permitting collared shirts, dress shorts, cotton and linen slacks, dressy blouses, pullover tops, dresses and maxi dresses, dress jeans, and close toed shoes.

Nonconforming clothing includes but is not limited to; bathing suits, beach coverups, camisoles, hoodies, non-dressy Jeans, carpenter pants, T-shirts, sweat suits, cutoffs, torn shorts, yoga pants, sneakers, and flip-flops.

Register Today. Satisfaction Guaranteed

We also offer a number of pistol permit certifications that are recognized across the United States as well as several NRA certified classes which are listed on our courses page.


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