Carbine Rifle (202)
Moving & Shooting – Our Carbine Rifle 202 class builds on our previous Carbine classes and introduces the concept of moving and shooting to and from positions of cover. Students must have a solid understanding of the fundamentals and concepts in our previous Carbine Rifle classes, and firearm safety is paramount at all times.
Required equipment: Eye and ear protection, carbine/AR-15 rifle, a reliable sling, one (1) rifle magazine pouch, a pistol (you are familiar with), an OWB Kydex holster, a reliable belt or battle belt, at least 2 pistol magazines, two (2) pistol magazine pouches, 50 rounds of pistol ammunition and 150 rounds of rifle ammunition.
Required prerequisites: All students must have completed Intro to Carbine 100, Carbine Rifle 101, Carbine Rifle 200, and Carbine Rifle 201 (or equivalent rifle courses) and have a strong understanding of rifle shooting fundamentals and clearing rifle malfunctions. All students MUST have completed (at least) a basic pistol class and a previous drawing from the holster class at a minimum. Students should have a solid foundation in pistol shooting fundamentals, clearing malfunctions, and drawing from a holstered position as well.