Intermediate Pistol Skill Builder with Glenn Cipalone
Students will review stance, grip, aiming, trigger squeeze, follow through, and more. We then move onto a variety of shooting drills that will reinforce the skills you learned and allow you to start to diagnose any shooting deficiencies that may be present. This course is designed to improve your shooting ability and help you understand the steps necessary to become a more proficient shooter.
We will provide a 22-caliber firearm, eye protection, ear protection, and targets for you free of charge. The student can bring their own equipment if they choose and is responsible for providing or purchasing ammunition for the class. Ammunition can also be purchased at the Sporting Shoppe prior to the class as well.
Prerequisites: Previous shooting class or shooting experience
Required materials: Approximately 150 rounds of 22 caliber ammunition if using our equipment or the student may bring their own gear.
Member and Guest Dress Code.
When entering the Members Lodge Clubhouse, inclusive of the Double Barrel Kitchen Restaurant inside and outside dining, and the Preserve Academy classroom, we kindly ask that you abide by our Resort Casual Dress Code, permitting collared shirts, dress shorts, cotton and linen slacks, dressy blouses, pullover tops, dresses and maxi dresses, dress jeans, and close toed shoes.
Nonconforming clothing includes but is not limited to; bathing suits, beach coverups, camisoles, hoodies, non-dressy Jeans, carpenter pants, T-shirts, sweat suits, cutoffs, torn shorts, yoga pants, sneakers, and flip-flops.