Moving and Shooting (201)
Moving & Shooting (201) continues to offer a variety of moving and shooting drills for the advanced shooter while incorporating a new skill set! We continue to work on drawing, moving, and shooting from CQB positions and positions of cover but add an element of emergency first aid and tac med skills.
Our Moving & Shooting (201) builds on the skills and drills taught in Moving and Shooting (200) but introduces an element of surprise of addressing life-threatening injuries during a deadly force encounter. You have to sign up to learn more, but we assure you that these scenarios will challenge you to think on your feet and work under pressure. Primary focus – pistol and medical.
Required equipment: Reliable firearm (that you are familiar with), OWB Kydex holster and sturdy belt, at least two (2) magazines, 150 rounds of ammunition, Tourniquet or SWAT T Stretch Wrap, eye, and ear protection.
Required prerequisites: Moving and Shooting 200 course and Ready, Set, Draw 200 or equivalent classes!