Shooting from the Holster
Far to often, law abiding citizens and concealed carry permit holders do not have the ability to work firearm drills from a holstered position. The Preserve Academy is changing that!
If you own a gun, holster, and have taken one of our classes that covers drawing, you are welcome to join us on the range for this special event. Expect to shoot 150 rounds, prepare to work some fun drills, and give yourself the skills to protect yourself and others in a deadly force encounter!
Required Equipment: Pistol, holster, sturdy belt, eye and ear protection, 150 rounds.
Prerequisite: Attendance at one of our classes that covers drawing. (See below for classes)
Eligible classes: Defensive Handgun 101 or 102, Ladies Pistol 101 or 102, Ready, Set, DRAW! and/or Concealed Carry for the Law Abiding Citizen
(Includes refreshments)