USCCA Intro to Concealed Carry Class
Learning to use a firearm can seem overwhelming but once you understand the fundamentals of shooting, we encourage you to consider your options when it comes to lawful concealed carry. This class gives you an introduction to carrying a concealed firearm, developing a safety plan, recognizing potential threats, avoiding confrontation, using your firearm as a last resort, the aftermath of a violent encounter, and more.
From there, we conduct live fire drills that concentrate on defensive shooting when you have no other options left to avoid serious bodily injury or death.
This is the first of our USCCA Concealed Carry courses. The USCCA Intro to Concealed Carry class will give you a strong foundation for understanding concealed carry… and how to avoid potential pitfalls should you decide to carry a firearm for lawful self-defense.
Required Prerequisites: Previous shooting experience or live-fire class.
Required Equipment: Semi-automatic pistol or revolver, 2 magazines or speed loader, 100 rounds of ammunition, eye protection, and ear protection.
Recommended Equipment: Sturdy belt and holster.
We are very glad to resume Preserve Academy classes and are keeping your health and safety as our highest priority. For each class, please bring a face mask and hand sanitizer. We will ensure classrooms, the range and all other areas related to your class are regularly cleaned and sanitized.
Thank you for your patience and for joining a Preserve Academy class. We are glad to have you back.
Member and Guest Dress Code.
When entering the Members Lodge Clubhouse, inclusive of the Double Barrell Kitchen Restaurant inside and outside dining, and the Preserve Academy classroom, we kindly ask that you abide by our Resort Casual Dress Code, permitting collared shirts, dress shorts, cotton and linen slacks, dressy blouses, pullover tops, dresses and maxi dresses, dress jeans, and close toed shoes.
Nonconforming clothing includes but is not limited to; bathing suits, beach coverups, camisoles, hoodies, non-dressy Jeans, carpenter pants, T-shirts, sweat suits, cutoffs, torn shorts, yoga pants, sneakers, and flip-flops.